Laryngeal Myositis Ossificans: A Case Report

ACCORDING to Ackerman and Spjut1 myositis ossificans is a term loosely applied to a group of soft tissue conditions. The term in their opinion is misleading, however, since myositis implies inflammation, which is lacking, of muscle and may or may not be present. Also, early in its evolution there is no bone present, and sometimes there is no anatomic relation of the lesion to bony structures. For these reasons the term heterotopic nonneoplastic bone formation is probably preferable to myositis ossificans for these lesions. Lewis4 found in his study of 127 cases of myositis ossificans that the condition is almost always noted in the large skeletal muscle groups of the extremities, but that it may be seen in smaller skeletal muscles such as in the thenar eminence and in the temporal muscle. Ackerman and Spjut1 state that the diagnosis of myositis ossificans is difficult to make from

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