A manual cladistic analysis, subsequently expanded with a PAUP computer analysis, was performed on 21 genera of the monophyletic taxon Pandaloidea. Morphological data were obtained from the literature for 146 of the 152 known species-group taxa and from specimens belonging to 11 genera and 15 species-those of Pantomus parvulus extending the known range from the North Western Atlantic to Uruguay. The taxon Physetocaridoidea was synonymized with Pandaloidea, and the genus Pandalopsis with "Pandulus". I have rejected reversal hypotheses indicated by the computer for four transformation series and chosen a final cladogram of slightly different topology which is six steps longer than the shortest tree. The cladogram for 20 terminal taxa is based on 108 apomorphic characters, resolved into 155 steps (72 synapomorphies and 83 homoplasies and reversals). The following sequenced phylogenetic classification is proposed: Pandaloidea; Pandalidae: PANTOMINAE subfam.n.; Notopandalus [N. magnoculus]; Peripandulus [P. serratus]; Pantomus; P. affinis; P. parvulus; Pandalinae; AUSTROPANDALINI trib.n.; Austropandulus [A. grayi]; Pandalina; P. breviostris; P. profunda; Pandalini; Dichelopandulus; D. bonnieri; D. leptocerus; Pandalus: "Plesionikidae" ["Plesionika"]; Heterocarpidae [Heterocarpus]; HETEROCARPOIDIDAE fam. n. [Heterocarpoides] [H. levicarina]; DORODOTEIDAE fam.n. [Dorodotes] [D. reflexus]; Thalassocarididae; Chlorotocus; C. crassicornis; C. novaezelandiae; Chlorotocoides [C. spinicauda]; Thalassocaris; T. obscura; T. crinita; T. lucida; Physetocaridiae; Stylopandalus [S. richardi]; Chlorotocella; C. gracilis; C. leptorhynchus; Physetocaris [P. microphthalma]; Chlorocurtis [C. jactans]; Anachlorocurtis [A. commensalis]; Miropandalus [M. hardingi]. Quotation marks indicate taxa of uncertain systematic status. Square brackets indicate redundant, phylogenetically uninformative, genus and species-level taxa maintained in the classification to comply with the principle of binominal nomenclature.