The World Health Organization estimates human mortality from endemic canine rabies to be 55,000 deaths/year. Limited supply hampers the accessibility of appropriate lifesaving treatment, particularly in areas where rabies is endemic. Anti-rabies antibodies are key to protection against lethal rabies. Currently, only human and equine polyclonal anti-rabies immune globulin (HRIG and ERIG) is available. Replacement of HRIG and ERIG with a safer and more widely available product is recommended. We have recently identified a combination of 2 human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), CR57 and CR4098, that has high potential. We here describe a head-to-head comparison between an CR57/CR4098 MAb cocktail and HRIG. The MAb cocktail neutralized all viruses from a panel of 26 representative street rabies virus isolates. In combination with vaccine, the MAb cocktail protected Syrian hamsters against lethal rabies when administered 24 h after exposure, comparable with the results obtained with HRIG. Furthermore, the MAb cocktail did not interfere with rabies vaccine differently from HRIG. These results demonstrate that the human MAb cocktail of CR57 and CR4098 is a safe and efficacious alternative to RIG in rabies postexposure prophylaxis