Nucleon Energy Levels in a Diffuse Potential

The level sequence and shell structure for the bound single-particle states of nucleons moving in the spherically symmetric potential V(r)=V0[1+expα(ra)] have been examined. For protons, a Coulomb potential was added corresponding to a uniform charge distribution out to the "nuclear radius," a, and the potential depth was increased to give sufficient binding energy for the last proton level in the nucleus under consideration. For α=1.45×10+13 cm1 (implying a surface layer of approximately 3×1013 cm, which is constant for all A), a spin-orbit coupling 39.5 times the Thomas term and a=1.3A13×1013 cm, good shell structure is obtained for both neutrons and protons. The level sequences obtained are in close agreement with experiment except in the region of strong distortion from sphericity. For V0=42.8 Mev the neutron binding energies are in reasonable agreement with experiment. With these parameters the 3s and 4s giant resonances in the low-energy neutron scattering cross section occur at A=56 and 166 respectively. The neutron and proton distributions in Au19779 are examined. With the values of α, r0, and λ given above, the thickness of the surface layer on the proton distribution is 1.92×1013 cm and the radius is 6.77×1013 cm.