Peritumoral Brain Regions in Gliomas and Meningiomas: Investigation with Isotropic Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging

To retrospectively measure the diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging characteristics of peritumoral hyperintense white matter (WM) and peritumoral normal-appearing WM, as seen on T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images of infiltrative high-grade gliomas and meningiomas. Seventeen patients with biopsy-proved glioma and nine patients with imaging findings consistent with meningioma and an adjacent hyperintense region on T2-weighted MR images were examined with DW and diffusion-tensor MR imaging. Apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) were measured on maps generated from isotropic DW images of enhancing tumor, hyperintense regions adjacent to enhancing tumor, normal-appearing WM adjacent to hyperintense regions, and analogous locations in the contralateral WM corresponding to these areas. Fractional anisotropy (FA) was measured in similar locations on maps generated from diffusion-tensor imaging data. Changes in ADC and FA in each type of tissue were compared across tumor types by using a two-sample t test. P <.05 indicated statistical significance. Mean ADCs in peritumoral hyperintense regions were 1.309 x 10(-3) mm2/sec (mean percentage of 181% of normal WM) for gliomas and 1.427 x 10(-3) mm2/sec (192% of normal value) for meningiomas (no significant difference). Mean ADCs in peritumoral normal-appearing WM were 0.723 x 10(-3) mm2/sec (106% of normal value) for gliomas and 0.743 x 10(-3) mm2/sec (102% of normal value) for meningiomas (no significant difference). Mean FA values in peritumoral hyperintense regions were 0.178 (43% of normal WM value) for gliomas and 0.224 (65% of normal value) for meningiomas (P =.05). Mean FA values for peritumoral normal-appearing WM were 0.375 (83% of normal value) for gliomas and 0.404 (100% of normal value) for meningiomas (P =.01). The difference in FA decreases in peritumoral normal-appearing WM between gliomas and meningiomas was significant, and the difference in FA decreases in peritumoral hyperintense regions between these tumors approached but did not reach significance. These findings may indicate a role for diffusion MR imaging in the detection of tumoral infiltration that is not visible on conventional MR images.