The successful therapeutic application of sulfanilamide in certain infectious diseases has stimulated investigation of other derivatives of this chemical compound. At the present time there is considerable interest in the thiazole analog of sulfapyridine known as sulfathiazole. This report includes a brief review of the literature concerning the pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutic possibilities of sulfathiazole and presents the results of our clinical experience with sulfathiazole and its sodium salt in the treatment of 128 patients suffering from pneumonia, staphylococcic sepsis and infections of the urinary tract. Sulfathiazole was first described by Fosbinder and Walter1 and by Lott and Bergeim.2 Van Dyke and his associates3 studied the pharmacology of the drug and concluded that it more rapidly metabolized and underwent less conjugation than sulfapyridine. When the sodium salts of the two compounds were given to mice, they found that sulfathiazole possessed but 65 per cent of the toxicity