Limits on the strength of a left-right-symmetric electroweak interaction

We have investigated the constraints imposed on left-right-symmetric theories of weak and electromagnetic interactions by the KLKS mass difference, including the additional restrictions on the top-quark mass and mixing angles coming from the KLμ+μ decay rate, and emphasizing the sensitivity of the results to various model-dependent assumptions. In the manifestly left-right-symmetric electroweak theory it was found that values for mR, the mass of the charged right-handed boson WR, as low as 220 GeV/c2 (the original estimate of Bég, Budny, Mohapatra, and Sirlin) cannot be ruled out. However, for a large class of plausible models the lower bound on the mass of WR was found to be considerably higher, but still within the range that experiments now in progress will be able to explore. The lower bound on mR was also found to be quite sensitive to the value assumed for the top-quark mass and to the model-dependent values of the hadronic matrix elements of the quark operators, as well as to certain model-dependent assumptions regarding the dispersive part of the KLμ+μ amplitude. We present the lower bound on mR for a wide range of the relevant parameters, which includes two specific models: the MIT bag model and the vacuum-insertion approximation.