The effects of time-reversal symmetry in reducing the maximum number M of real parameters in the phonon dynamical matrix at fixed k are taken into account to yield the following result: either (I) -k is not in the star of k in which case MI=Σrnr2, or (II) it is, in which case MII=Σr(a)nr(nr+1)2+Σr(b)nr22+Σr(c)nr(nr1)2. Here, nr denotes the number of times the r th irreducible representation of the little group Gk occurs in the reducible representation Δk at wave vector k. Δk is of dimension 3n, where n is the number of atoms per unit cell. In the expression for MII, one sums over all r in cases (a), (b), and (c), respectively, where (a), (b), and (c) refer to the three cases of Wigner in the Herring criterion. The analysis is also applied to compute a lower upper bound M within the rigid-molecule model as discussed group theoretically in the context of inelastic-neutron-scattering experiments by Casella and Trevino.