Obstruction of the Duodenum and Cecum, Malrotation of the Bowel and Mid-Gut Volvulus in an Adult Patient with a Gastroenterostomy

MALROTATION of the bowel in the absence of mechanical obstruction is compatible with a normal life span. Volvulus of the mid-gut associated with malrotation of the bowel usually requires treatment early in life. The occurrence of this condition in an elderly man who had previously undergone a gastrectomy for duodenal ulcer seemed sufficiently unusual and interesting to warrant a case report. The embryologic aspects of malrotation have been reviewed by others.1 2 3 4 Case ReportD.C. (V.A.H. 05082), a 79-year-old man, entered the Providence Veterans Administration Hospital on the evening of May 9, 1957. He had been admitted to this hospital twice . . .