Electron cyclotron measurements with the fast-scanning heterodyne radiometer on the tokamak fusion test reactor

Three fast‐scanning heterodyne receivers, swept between 75 and 110, 110 and 170, and 170 and 210 GHz have measured electron cyclotron emission on the horizontal midplane of the tokamak fusion test reactor (TFTR) plasma. A second‐harmonic microwave mixer in the 170–210‐GHz receiver allows the use of a 75–110‐GHz backward wave oscillator as a swept local oscillator. Electron temperature profile evolution data with a time resolution of 2 ms and a profile acquisition rate of 250 Hz will be presented for gas‐fueled and pellet‐fueled ohmic and neutral beam heated plasmas with toroidal fields up to 5.2 T. Recent results from a new swept‐mode absolute calibration technique which can improve the accuracy and data collection efficiency during in situ calibration will also be presented.