Orbital Domain State and Finite Size Scaling in Ferromagnetic Insulating Manganites

Mn55 and La139 NMR measurements on a high quality single crystal of ferromagnetic (FM) La0.80Ca0.20MnO3 demonstrate the formation of localized Mn3+,4+ states below 70   K, accompanied by a strong cooling-rate dependent increase of certain FM neutron Bragg peaks. (55,1391/T1) spin-lattice and (1391/T2) spin-spin relaxation rates are strongly enhanced on approaching this temperature from below, signaling a genuine phase transition at Ttr70   K. The disappearance of the FM metallic signal by applying a weak external magnetic field, the different NMR radio-frequency enhancement of the FM metallic and insulating states, and the observed finite size scaling of Ttr with Ca (hole) doping, as observed in powder La1xCaxMnO3 samples, are suggestive of freezing into an inhomogeneous FM insulating and orbitally ordered state embodying “metallic” hole-rich walls.