Muscle-Specific Carbonic Anhydrase III Is a More Sensitive Marker of Muscle Damage Than Creatine Kinase in Neuromuscular Disorders

• Serum concentration of carbonic anhydrase III (S-CA III), a novel marker of type I skeletal muscle cells was measured in 37 patients with neuromuscular diseases (polymyositis, muscular dystrophies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other neurogenic diseases) and in 24 control patients. Signficant elevation in S-CA III was observed in all patient groups. Serum concentration of carbonic anhydrase III correlated positively with serumcreatine kinase. Serum concentration of carbonic anhydrase III was observed to be a more sensitive skeletal muscle marker both in myogenic and in neurogenic muscle affecting diseases than serum creatine kinase.