Sarcoid-like hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy in a patient with metastatic testicular cancer

Previous reports indicate that enlarged hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes due to sarcoid-like reactions may develop after curative resection of testicular cancer, and their presence does not necessarily denote neoplastic recurrence. Reports further suggest that coexisting pulmonary nodules in this setting may be related to nodular sarcoidosis. A patient developed progressive hilar and mediastinal adenopathy associated with multiple pulmonary nodules after apparent curative resection of a testicular embryonal cell cancer. Biopsy specimens from the mediastinal lymph nodes demonstrated granulomas, suggesting the diagnosis of nodular sarcoidosis. Needle aspiration of the pulmonary nodules, however, revealed metastatic testis cancer. Sarcoid-like mediastinal reactions occur after resection of testis cancer, but biopsies should be performed on coexisting pulmonary nodules to exclude pulmonary metastases.