Plasma fibronectin levels in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: A preliminary report

Fibronectin, a major component of the extracellular matrix and basement membranes throughout the body, is thought to maintain the integrity of both the reticulo-endothelial system and microvasculature. In this study, plasma fibronectin levels were assayed by nephelometry in nine pre-eclamptic gravid women, nine normotensive gravid women and ten non-gravid women. The mean plasma fibronectin level (±S.E.M.) in pre-eclamptic gravidas (1687 ± 101 μg/ml) is significantly higher than that of either normotensive gravidae (1129 ± 99 μg/ml) or non-gravid women (897 ± 60 μg/ml). Although the mechanism for elevated levels of plasma fibronectin in patients with pre-eclampsia is not clear, it may serve as an early biochemical marker for this disorder.