Normal early infant behaviour patterns

As part of a wider study, infant behaviour was reviewed prospectively, using a 24 h diary completed by the mother. Infants' sleep, awake, fussing, crying and feeding behaviour were recorded at 1,2,4,6 and 8 weeks. Completed records were obtained from 21 infants. As expected most time was spent asleep, with a mean of 16.2 h at 1 week and 15.5 h at 8 weeks. Most sleeping occurred between midnight and 4 a.m. even by week 1 and there was a progressive fall in the average duration of feeding during that time interval over the 8 week period. Fussing and crying were mostly noted between 4 and 8 p.m. with an additional peak between 8 a.m. and noon, the latter disappearing by week 4. There was also a progressive drop in both the average feeding and fussing/crying times by week 8, reflecting increased settled and awake periods. It is against a background of normal early infant behaviour patterns that one can evaluate interventions aimed at altering such behaviour and dealing with the vexed problem of 'colic'.

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