Absorption and excretion of orally administered inositol hexaphosphate (IP6 or phytate) in humans

A study of the pharmacokinetic profile (oral absorption and renal excretion) of inositol hexaphosphate or phytate (IP6) is presented. Seven healthy volunteers were following a IP6 poor diet (IP6PD) in a first period, and on IP6 normal diet (IP6ND) in a second one. When following the IP6PD they become deficient in IP6, the basal levels found in plasma (0.07± 0.01 mg/L) being clearly lower than those found when IP6ND was consumed (0.26± 0.03 mg/L). During the restriction period the maximum concentration in plasma were obtained 4 h after the ingestion of a single dose of IP6, observing almost the same renal excretion profiles for the three different comercial sources and doses. After the IP6 restriction period, volunteers were on IP6ND, reaching normal plasma and urinary IP6 values in 16 days. Thus, the normal plasma and urinary concentrations, can be obtained either by comsumption of a IP6ND taking a long time or in a short period by IP6 supplements.