Owing to the fact that no report of a primary lymphoid tumor of the rectum resembling internal hemorrhoids could be found in the literature, it was deemed advisable to present 3 cases of rectal lymphoid tumors resembling internal hemorrhoids which occurred in my practice between January and June 1941. There are numerous cases of primary rectal lymphoid tumors reported in the literature, but these cases have occurred in the rectal ampulla and not in the anal canal. N. D. Smith1of the Mayo Clinic reported 1 case of lymphosarcoma in the anal canal, but he made no mention of this tumor clinically resembling an internal hemorrhoid. Kallet2of Detroit reported a myosarcoma of the rectum resembling an internal hemorrhoid, and this was the only report found in the literature in which a sarcoma was reported as clinically resembling an internal hemorrhoid. It is only natural to assume that