Effective weak mixing angle in the MSSM

The predictions of the MSSM are discussed in the light of recent LEP and SLD precision data. The full supersymmetric one loop corrections to the effective weak mixing angle, experimentally determined in LEP and SLD experiments, are considered. It is demonstrated, both analytically and numerically, that potentially dangerous, large logarithmic sparticle corrections are cancelled. The relative difference factor Δk between the mixing angle defined as a ratio of couplings and the experimentally obtained angle is discussed. It is found that Δk is dominated by the oblique corrections, while the nonoblique overall supersymmetric EW and SQCD corrections are negligible. The comparison of the MSSM with radiative electroweak symmetry breaking to the LEP+SLD precision data indicates that rather large values of the soft breaking parameter M1/2 in the region greater than 500 GeV are preferred.