Maintenance of the Plasma Corticosterone Concentration of Adrenalectomized Rat by the Fetal Adrenal Glands12

Plasma corticosterone concentrations of female rats following adrenalectomy, adrenalectomy and ovariectomy, and adrenalectomy plus uterectomy were measured. On days 16 and 17 of normal pregnancy plasma corticosterone concentrations were 30% higher than in pregnant adrenalectomized females. Between days 18 and 21 of pregnancy plasma corticosterone concentrations were equal in intact and adrenalectomized rats. Ovariectomy performed on adrenalectomized females on days 20 and 21 did not influence maternal plasma corticosterone concentrations. Uterectomy was followed by drastic reduction in the plasma corticosterone concentration of adrenalectomized mothers. Since fetectomy was as effective in the reduction of maternal plasma corticosterone concentration as uterectomy, placental participation in the maintenance of maternal corticoids was ruled out. The possibility of corticosterone transfer from fetal to maternal site was demonstrated by the injection of fetuses with 14C-labeled hormone. The results suggest that fetal adrenal glands are responsible for the maintenance of plasma corticosterone concentration in the adrenalectomized mother. (Endocrinology93: 115, 1973)

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