The interaction of actin with dystrophin

Proton NMR spectroscopy of synthetic peptides corresponding to defined regions of human dystrophin has been employed to study the interaction with F‐actin. No evidence of interaction with a C‐terminal region corresponding to amino acid residues 3429–3440 was obtained. F‐actin restricted the mobility of residues 19–27 in a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 10–32. This suggests that this is a site of F‐actin interaction in the intact dystrophin molecule. Identical sequences to that of residues 19—22 in dystrophin, namely Lys‐Thr‐Phe‐Thr are also present in the N‐terminal regions of the α‐actinins implying this is also a site of F‐actin interaction with α‐actinin.