Endocrine dysfunction in Kearns‐Sayre syndrome

Kearns‐Sayre syndrome (KSS) is a form of mitochondrial myopathy in which specific clinical features, namely progressive external ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinal degeneration and cardiac conduction defects, occur. KSS has also been associated with a variety of endocrine and metabolic disorders, in particular short stature, gonadal failure, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, hyperaldosteronism, hypomagnesaemia, and bone, tooth and calcification abnormalities. A case is described exhibiting all of these features. A survey of the literature was conducted to determine the prevalence of these conditions among reported cases. Cases with hypoparathyroidism were considered separately to see if they constituted a distinct subgroup with multiple endocrine dysfunction. Short stature was common, being documented in 38% of cases. Gonadal dysfunction before or after puberty was also common (20% of cases) and affected both sexes equally. Diabetes mellitus was recorded in 13% of cases, half of which required insulin. Thyroid disease, hyperal‐dosteronism and hypomagnesaemia were uncommon but were probably not looked for in many cases. Bone or tooth abnormalities and calcification of the basal ganglia were found both in those with and without hypoparathyroldism. While endocrine and metabolic dysfunction was found more commonly in those with hypoparathyroldism this is likely to be due to increased recognition rather than increased prevalence. No evidence of an autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome including hypoparathyroldism was found.