Studies on chiasma frequency and distribution in two fertile men carrying reciprocal translocations; one with a t(9;10) karyotype and one with a t(Y;10) karyotype

The frequency and distribution of chiasmata was investigated in two fertile carriers of reciprocal translocations, one with a 46,XY,t(9;10)(p22;q24) karyotype and one with a 46,X,-Y,+der(Y),t(Y;10)(q12;q24) karyotype. In both cases the chromosomes involved in the translocation showed an increase in chiasma frequency in comparison to karyotypically normal controls and in both cases this increase was localised, affecting only one interstitial segment of each translocation quadrivalent. In the t(9;10) case chiasmata appeared in substantial numbers in a novel location, the proximal two thirds of 9p, while in the t(Y;10) case chiasmata appeared in a conventional location, the medial region of 10q, but at an increased frequency. Furthermore there was evidence for inter-chromosomal effects in the t(9;10) case.