Morphologic alterations in the epithelium of the human oviduct induced by a low dosis gestagen

Morphological alterations in the epithelium of the human oviduct related to continuous administration of low dosage lynestrenol were studied in 10 women by electron microscopy. The effect of lynestrenol on the morphology of the tubal epithelium was shown to be time dependent. First the discharge of secretory products from the non-ciliated cells was inhibited. Secondary to this the synthetic activities of the cells were drastically decreased. This inactivation of the tubal epithelium reached its maximum after 6 months. At this time the epithelial cells, particularly the non-ciliated cells were almost devoid of organelles and had an electron transparent cytoplasm. In addition to the action of lynestrenol on the secretory and synthetic activities of the cells a strong ciliogenetic effect could be observed after about 3 months of lynestrenol administration. The ratio of ciliated to non-ciliated cells changed from 1∶1 at the beginning of the treatment to 2.9∶1 after 6 months. This ratio was then maintained and could still be found in patients who had used lynestrenol for 25 and 39 months. In contrast to the persistent effect of lynestrenol on the ciliary apparatus of the cells the synthetic activities and the secretory mechanism were partially restored with long standing use. The importance of the observed changes and their possible participation in the contraceptive action of lynestrenol are discussed.