Synthesis of a thymidine phospboramidite labelled with13C at C6: relaxation studies of the loop region in a13C labelled DNA hairpin

A thymidine phospharamidite labelled at C6 with 13C has been synthesized, and incorporated into a synthetic oligonuckotide, d(CGCGT*T*GT*T*CGCG), which adopts a hairpin conformation. NMR relaxation measurements indicate that internal motion may be present in the loop region of the oligonucleotide. The relaxation behavior of a the C6 carbon in a model compound, N,N-1,3 dimethylthymine is examined in detail as a function of magnetic field strength to determine relative contributions of various mechanisms to the relaxation. The relaxation behaviour of the labelled carbons in the oligonucleotide is discussed in relation to these measurements.