The Effect of Endotoxin on Factor VII in Rats: In Vivo and in Vitro Observations

In rats Factor VII was measured at intervals after a sublethal dose of endotoxin [from Serratia marcescens or Escherichia coli 0111:B4]. After a lag phase of about 10 hr., Factor VII rose to a maximum level of about 250 percent 48 hr. after the injection. At no time was Factor VII depressed. Incubation experiments with liver slices in vitro confirmed previous findings of Factor VII synthesis. This synthesis was not influenced by endotoxin. In spite of these negative in vitro findings, it is concluded that endotoxin probably increased the synthesis of Factor VII in vivo. The results are discussed with regard to 2 problems: What is the explanation of the low Factor VII levels in patients with Gram-negative septicemia? Is Factor VII synthesized by the parenchymatous cells or by the reticuloendothelial cells in the liver?.