Dynamics and binding mode of Hoechst 33258 to d(GTGGAATTCCAC)2 in the 1:1 solution complex as determined by two-dimensional proton NMR

We have investigated the interaction of the bisbenzimidazole derivative Hoechst 33258 with the self-complementary dodecadeoxynucleotide duplex d(GTGGAATTCCAC)2 using one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. To monitor the extent of complex formation, we used the imino proton region of the 1D 1H NMR spectra acquired in H2O solution. These spectra show that the DNA duplex loses its inherent C2v symmetry upon addition of the drug, indicating that the two molecules form a kinetically stable complex on the NMR time scale (the lifetime of the complex has been measured to be around 450 ms). We obtained sequence-specific assignments for all protons of the ligand and most protons of each separate strand of the oligonucleotide duplex using a variety of homonuclear 2D 1H NMR experiments. The aromatic protons of the DNA strands, which are symmetrically related in the free duplex, exhibit exchange cross peaks in the complex. This indicates that the drug binds in two equivalent sites on the 12-mer, with an exchange rate constant of 2.2 +/- 0.2 s-1. Twenty-five intermolecular NOEs were identified, all involving adenine 2 and sugar 1' protons of the DNA and protons in all four residues of the ligand, indicating that Hoechst 33258 is located in the minor groove at the AATT site. Only protons along the same edge of the two benzimidazole moieties of the drug show NOEs to DNA protons at the bottom of the minor groove. Using molecular mechanics, we have generated a unique model of the complex using distance constraints derived from the intermolecular NOEs. We present, however, evidence that the piperazine group may adopt at least two locally different conformations when the drug is bound to this dodecanucleotide.