Symmetric-Core Collective Model for Odd-Odd Nuclei with Applications in the2s−1dShell

A model for odd-odd nuclei is described in which the odd neutron and proton are coupled to a symmetric, rotating core. The Hamiltonian consists of four parts: HR, the Hamiltonian for a rotating core of fixed shape; Hp and Hn, the Hamiltonians for a proton and a neutron moving in a symmetric oscillator potential with 1·s and 12 terms; and Vpn, the residual neutron-proton interaction. This latter was taken to have a Gaussian radial dependence with a Serber exchange mixture with parameters picked to reproduce the low-energy singlet and triplet scattering lengths. The energy eigenvalues were obtained by an exact diagonalization of the total Hamiltonian using a core-particle basis to which a truncation procedure is applied to account for the filling of the shells. The model has been applied to Al28, P30, P32, and Cl36, determining the core-strength parameter P, the deformation parameter β, and the well-depth parameter λ by fitting to the known energy-level sequence. The state functions so obtained were used to calculate static magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and for P30 the mixing ratio δ2 for two 2+ to ground transitions. The fit to the measured energy levels is quite successful; however, only in Al28 and P30 is the residual neutron-proton interaction needed. The values obtained for the static moments are rather poor. The results are compared, where possible, to a shell-model calculation.