Release of Slow-Reacting Substance from Anaphylactic Lung Tissue and Its Modification by β-sympathomimetics

Anaphylactic release of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) from chopped guinea pig lung was studied. The antibodies mediating the anaphylactic reaction were classified as IgG antibodies by PCA technique. Isoprenaline was found to inhibit the release of SRS-A in the concentration range 10––8–10––6M, while the β2-selective agonist terbutaline showed inhibition in the concentration range 10––8–10––5M. The β1 selective β-agonist tazolol was ineffective when tested in the concentration range 10––7–10––5M. The rank order of inhibitory potency of the compounds on SRS-A release agree with that for histamine release.