Role of Hydrogen-Bonding in Nonelectrolyte Diffusion through Dense Artificial Membranes

The diffusion of two series of alcohols and amides through complex cellulose acetate membranes was studied. The thin dense part of these membranes behaves as a nonporous layer of low water content. In this layer, called the skin, the solute diffusion coefficients, omega, depend upon size, steric configuration, and the partition coefficient, K(8), between membrane and bathing solution. From the experimental values of omega and K(8), the over-all friction, f, experienced by the solutes in the membrane was computed. It was found that f depends upon the chemical nature of the solute and is related to hydrogen-bonding ability. In the coarse, porous layer of the cellulose acetate membrane, diffusion occurs mainly through aqueous channels. In this instance also the hydrogen-bonding ability of the solute seems to exercise a smaller but significant influence.