Dynamic and static phantoms for evaluation of digital subtraction angiographic systems.

Two types of phantoms were developed with which to evaluate the overall performance of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) systems. A dynamic phantom, called a fish bone phantom, consists of polyethylene tubes that simulate blood vessels with various lesions, such as stenoses, ulcers and aneurysms. With this phantom, washout curves were obtained representing the relationship between I content and time. It will be useful for quanlitative assessment of DSA images, evaluation of different image-processing schemes and studies of blood flow analysis. A static phantom, called a C-D phantom, can be used for measurement of quantitative contrast-detail (C-D) diagrams and for daily monitoring of DSA systems. This was constructed of tubes of 7 different diameters (2.15-0.28 mm) and 14 different concentrations of contrast medium (100%-1.1% Renografin-76[meglumine and sodium diatrizoate]). The C-D diagrams were determined from an observer performance study using C-D phantom images obtained at 4 different DSA settings.