Endoscopic screening for malignancy in the gastric remnant

Out of 2 790 patients who had partial gastrectomy for a benign condition more than 15 years before, 960 patients had died, 30 of whom because of a stump carcinoma (incidence 3.1%), 535 patients were examined by endoscopy. In this latter group II stump carcinomas were detected (incidence 2.0%), of which 5 proved to be early gastric cancers. In 4 patients the carcinoma was not suspected at endoscopy. In 71 (13.3%) patients dysplasia was found in the biopsies. It is not known to what degree dysplasia is a premalignant marker. Close follow up is necessary for these patients to answer this question. An endoscopic bioptic screening of patients, starting 15 years after the gastrectomy with a 2 year interval seems justified.