Chairman Costello: The management of vascular nevi is of great interest to the pediatrician. He more than any other specialist, including the general practitioner, is first consulted regarding the advisability of treating a hemangioma and as to the best method of treatment which will insure a good therapeutic and cosmetic result. Since there appears to be no unanimity of opinion regarding these points, it was thought that a round table discussion by a small group would help us envision a better approach to this interesting and important problem. Permit me to preface my remarks by stating that some pediatricians believe that the dermatologist and radiologist are apt to treat hemangiomas too early and that there are hemangiomas treated which would have disappeared spontaneously, this latter thought being influenced to a great extent by the report of Lister who claimed that superficial hemangiomas will disappear completely in the great majority of cases. The dermatologist and radiologist, on the other hand, believe that the pediatrician in some instances, because of the opinion expressed above, permits too long a time to elapse before treatment is instituted, thereby losing the golden opportunity for effective rapid permanent cure of these hemangiomas. There are arguments to be advanced in the substantiation of both opinions, and it is for this reason that we hope by free and open discussion to arrive at a more accurate answer to the questions which have been raised. In this brief presentation it is hoped that I will be able to place in sharp relief all the important aspects of heredity or familial incidence of these lesions, the time of their occurrence, the types, their behavior and significance, the indicated type of therapy, and the results which may be accomplished in. their proper treatment.