Semi‐empirical values of the natural widths of K, L1, L2, and L3 levels, Kα1 and Kα2 x‐ray lines, and KL1L1, KL1L2 and KL2L3 Auger lines for the elements 10?Z?110 are presented in tables and grapahs. Level width Γi (i=K, L1,L2, L3) is obtained from the relation Γi=ΓR,i/ωi, using the theoretical radiative rate ΓR,i from Scofield’s relativistic, relaxed Hartree‐Fock calculation and the fluorescence yield ωi from Krause’s evaluation. X‐ray and Auger lines widths are calculated as the sums of pertinent level widths. This tabulation of natural level and line widths is internally consistent, and is compatible with all relevant experimental and theoretical information. Present semi‐empirical widths, especially those of Kα1 and Kα2 x‐rays, are compared with measured widths. Uncertainties of semi‐empirical values are estimated.