Diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic cecostomy for colonic pseudo-obstruction

Marked cecal dilatation due to colonic psuedo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome) is most often treated by colonoscopic decompression. When this fails, cecostomy is usually indicated if the bowel is not infarcted. We describe a new technique of laparoscopy-guided percutaneous cecostomy using T-fasteners to retract and anchor the cecum to the anterior abdominal wall and using a Foley catheter as a cecostomy tube. We performed this procedure successfully in a patient with colonic pseudo-obstruction who had marked cecal dilatation that could not be decompressed by colonoscopy. Laparoscopic inspection showed that the cecum was viable, and a laparoscopic cecostomy was placed. This procedure can be performed easily and safely and with much less morbidity than laparotomy and open cecostomy.