Resonant photoemission in CeAl, CeSi2, and LaSi2

We report valence-band photoemission at photon energies near the 4d absorption resonance for CeAl, a trivalent antiferromagnet with TN=10 K, and CeSi2, a nonmagnetic valence fluctuation compound with a characteristic (Kondo) energy of order 200 K. The main difference between the two spectra is a factor-of-2 difference in the width of the peak centered 2.1-2.2 eV below the Fermi energy εF. We interpret this peak as the 4f emission; it is well fit by a Lorentzian whose halfwidth is Γ=0.45 eV in CeAl and Γ=0.8 eV in CeSi2. These results suggest that the difference in magnetic behavior of the two compounds reflects different Kondo temperatures resulting from different hybridization widths. The trivalence of both compounds (as opposed to fractional valence) is corroborated by measurements of the fine structure in the constant-initial-state (CIS) and constant-final-state spectra near the resonance. A second feature occurs near εF in both materials; this is most readily interpreted as 5d emission. Consistent with this explanation is an edge shift of the resonance (as measured in CIS) to lower photon energy for the peak near εF as compared to the peak near 2 eV.