Production of pectolytic enzymes byAspergillvs nigeron sucrose

Simple sugars were used as C‐sources to test whether the chosen Aspergillus niger strain was able to synthesize pectolytic enzymes in a substrate without pectic substances. The most promising results were obtained on commercial sugar (sucrose) which was previously deionized by using a cation exchange resin. Some pectolytic activities such as pectinesterase (PE) and pectin lyase (PL) were similar to those obtained when using a pectin containing substrate. Apple juice depectinizing (AJDA) activity and polygalacturonase (PG) were considerably higher in the sucrose medium. By increasing the sugar concentration from 1.5% to around 15%, the activities increased as follows: AJDA from 15 up to 750 U/ml, PG from 1.8 up to 20 U/ml and PL from 0.14 to 0.65. PE activity was not affected by the sugar concentration. With 14% sugar and other substrate constituents proportionally increased, no benefit was observed with respect to pectolytic activities.