Long term effects of vincristine on the peripheral nervous system

Summary Forty patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma treated with vincristine between 1984 and 1990 (cumulative dose 12 mg in 18–24 weeks) were investigated in order to evaluate the long term effects of vincristine on the peripheral nervous system. The patients were interviewed with emphasis on neuropathic symptoms. Physical and quantitative sensory examination with determination of vibratory perception and thermal discrimination thresholds were performed, four to 77 months (median 34 months) after vincristine treatment. Twenty-seven patients reported neuropathic symptoms. In 13 of these 27 patients symptoms were still present at the time of examination. In these patients sensory signs and symptoms predominated. In the other 14 patients symptoms had been present in the past. Symptoms persisted maximally 40 months since cessation of therapy. There was no age difference between patients with and without complaints at the time of examination. Normal reflexes were found in two third of patients. Neuropathic complaints were not very troublesome on the long term. It is concluded that with the above mentioned vincristine dose schedule signs and symptoms of vincristine neuropathy are reversible for a great deal and prognosis is fairly good.