Surgical Resection of Pulmonary Metastases From Colorectal Adenocarcinoma

• Pulmonary resection of metastatic lesions from colorectal adenocarcinoma was performed in 35 patients. The cumulative 5-year survival was 38%. The primary site of cancer was the colon in about half of the patients. Patients with a solitary metastasis or tumors smaller than 3 cm in diameter survived longer than did patients with multiple metastases or tumors larger than 3 cm but the differences were not significant. Other factors, including age, sex, histologic grade of tumor, location and stage of primary carcinoma, location of pulmonary metastases, disease-free interval, and type of pulmonary resection, had no apparent influence on survival time. The lung was the major site of recurrence following pulmonary resection. Seven patients underwent two or more pulmonary resections for metastasis from a colorectal carcinoma. At the time of last follow-up, four patients were alive and free of recurrent disease at 5,34,39, and 58 months after the second pulmonary resection. These data suggest that some patients will survive for a long time following pulmonary resection of colorectal metastases, and for highly selected patients, repeated pulmonary resection may further extend survival. (Arch Surg. 1991;126:1297-1302)