Quantum mechanics of a constrained particle

The motion of a particle rigidly bounded to a surface is discussed, considering the Schrödinger equation of a free particle constrained to move, by the action of an external potential, in an infinitely thin sheet of the ordinary three-dimensional space. Contrary to what seems to be the general belief expressed in the literature, this limiting process gives a perfectly well-defined result, provided that we take some simple precautions in the definition of the potentials and wave functions. It can then be shown that the wave function splits into two parts: the normal part, which contains the infinite energies required by the uncertainty principle, and a tangent part which contains "surface potentials" depending both on the Gaussian and mean curvatures. An immediate consequence of these results is the existence of different quantum mechanical properties for two isometric surfaces, as can be seen from the bound state which appears along the edge of a folded (but not stretched) plane. The fact that this surface potential is not a bending invariant (cannot be expressed as a function of the components of the metric tensor and their derivatives) is also interesting from the more general point of view of the quantum mechanics in curved spaces, since it can never be obtained from the classical Lagrangian of an a priori constrained particle without substantial modifications in the usual quantization procedures. Similar calculations are also presented for the case of a particle bounded to a curve. The properties of the constraining spatial potential, necessary to a meaningful limiting process, are discussed in some detail, and, as expected, the resulting Schrödinger equation contains a "linear potential" which is a function of the curvature.

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