The effect of Baquacil on pathogenic free‐living amoebae (PFLA) 2. In simulated natural conditions—in the presence of bacteria and/or organic matter

Bacteria [Enterobacter-cloacae] and/or bovine fecal matter were introduced into cultures of pathogenic free-living amoebae [Naegleria spp. and Acanthamoeba spp.; human parasites] with Baquacil. They created a biochemical O2 demand and/or an increased Baquacil demand. Baquacil was amoebicidal under all but 1 of the conditions tested which simulated those likely to be encountered in swimming pools [sources of meningoencephalitis causing amoebae]. Axenically and monoxenically culture amoebae were used, and the latter exerted the greater Baquacil demand.