δ13C isotopic index of honeys produced in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico

The study was carried out in order to characterize honeys produced in the Yucatan peninsula by analysis of the δ 3C isotope and to detect whether adulterants were present. A total of 234 honey samples, the harvesting of which coincided with the main flowering season of tajonal (Viguiera dentata) and tzitzilche (Gymnopodium floribundum), were collected from the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo. Two types of samples were taken: honeycomb honey (for characterization) and honey obtained from the main honey processing plants (to detect possible adulterations). The analyses were performed using stable carbon isotope ratio analysis. The isotopic values of pure honeys extracted from combs at the laboratory were:-26.3 ± 0.32 δ %° (n = 28) for tajonal and −24.5 ± 0.30 δ ° (n = 33) for tzitzilche. Adulterations were not detected in tajonal honeys; however, the tzitzilche honeys had 25.3% samples within the range of suspected adulteration and 5.7% within the range of adulterated.