Ion cyclotron emissions observed by the satellite Akebono in the vicinity of the magnetic equator

In our wave observations by a wave measuring instrument named ELF on board the Akebono satellite, interesting ELF emissions in the frequency ranges above the cyclotron frequencies of He+ and/or O+ ions have been detected. This paper is to propose that these emissions are due to electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, which might have been generated by the ion cyclotron resonant instability due to a temperature anisotropy of hot H+ ions, trapped along the magnetic field lines around the geomagnetic equatorial plane. In order to confirm the characteristics of these ELF emissions, statistical characteristics, refractive index, and wave normal direction of the emissions are first estimated. The propagation characteristics of these ELF emissions are examined by ray tracing for ion cyclotron waves in the magnetosphere using both cold and hot plasma models.