If the operation of differentiation with regard to the independent variable x be denoted by the symbol D, and if ϕ (D) represent any function of D composed of integral powers positive or negative, or both positive and negative, it may easily be shown, that ϕ (D){ψ x. u } = ψ x. ϕ (D) u + ψ' x. ϕ' (D) u + ½ψ" x. ϕ" (D) u + 1/2.3 ψ"' x. ϕ"' (D) u + . . . (1.) and that ϕx .ψ(D) u = ψ(D){ ϕx. u } - ψ'(D){ ϕ'x. u } + ½ψ"(D){ ϕ"x. u } - 1/2.3ψ"'(D){ ϕ"'x. u } + . . (2.) and these general theorems are expressions of the laws under which the operations of differentiation, direct and inverse, combine with those operations which are de­noted by factors, functions of the independent variable. It will be perceived that the right-hand side of each of these equations is a linear differential expression; and whenever an expression assumes or can be made to assume either of these forms, its solution is determined; for the equations ϕ (D){ψ x. u } = P and ϕx . ψ(D) u = P are respectively equivalent to u = (ψ x ) -1 { ϕ (D)} -1 P and u = {ψ(D)} -1 (( ϕx ) -1 P).

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