Azimuthal-angle and energy distributions ofAl2+ejected from Al(100) byAr+bombardment

Azimuthal-angle and energy distributions of Al2+ ions ejected from an Al(100) surface by Ar+ bombardment have been measured and compared with corresponding measurements for Al+. Like the Al+ angle distribution, the Al2+ azimuthal-angle distribution is generally quite anisotropic and reflects the fourfold symmetry of the Al(100) surface. However, the Al2+ angle distribution generally exhibits a much stronger azimuthal anisotropy and a much stronger sensitivity to the kinetic energy of the ejected particles than does the Al+ angle distribution. For Al2+ kinetic energies below ∼55 eV, the intensity extrema in the Al2+ angle distribution occur at the same azimuthal angles as the extrema in the Al+ angle distribution. However, the positions of the intensity extrema in the Al2+ angle distribution shift by 45° as the kinetic energy of the Al2+ ions increases from below 55 to above 55 eV, while the positions of the extrema in the Al+ angle distribution are independent of energy. Preliminary molecular-dynamics simulations of the ejection process suggest possible Al2+ ejection mechanisms that are in accord with the observed angle and energy distributions. These mechanisms are consistent with the concept that Al2+ forms by de-excitation of 2p holes created by energetic Al-Al collisions in the solid.