Caractéristiques morphologiques de la mamelle des brebis Lacaune. Méthodologie pour l'obtention des données Relations avec l'aptitude à la traite

Three series of measurements were performed by 2 operators separately on 22 Lacaune ewes to determine the shape and size of the udder in that breed. Because of the heterogeneity between the results and the repeatability of the data obtained by each, it was advisable to use several operators for correctly evaluating mammary morphology. The average length and width of the Lacaune ewe teats were 32.5 mm and 15.2 mm, respectively. They were turned forwards, close to the bottom of the voluminous cistern. The angle between the teats and the vertical axis was sharper ( in ewes exhibiting a milk ejection reflex than in those only supplying the cisternal milk. The udder volume (.hivin.x : 1123 ml) was small compared to daily milk production (.hivin.x : 779 ml) and significantly larger in 2-peak animals which also produced the most milk. The relationships between the different parameters of the udder and those characterizing the milk ejection curves are presented and discussed with the goal of improving machine milkability.