Fifty-nine reports of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were received by the Adverse Drug Reaction Subcommittee of the Australian Veterinary Association from February 1991-March 1992 inclusive. The number of reports received/number of animals involved per species was: dogs (23/24); cats (20/30); horses (4/4); cattle (7/10); sheep (3/745); poultry (1/580); pigs (1/8). Of these, 38 (64%) were classified as definite ADRs and 9 (15%) as probable ADRs. In 10 (17%) reports an ADR could not be substantiated or there was insufficient information available to make a decision. Two reports involved veterinarians inadvertently overdosing animals. Eighteen reports involved apparent hypersensitivity reactions and 6 reports involved probable drug interactions. Four reports involved the use of drugs at appropriate doses but in inappropriate clinical situations, and 3 reports were associated with 'off-label' use.

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