New plasma diagnosis tables of hydrogen Stark broadening including ion dynamics

A set of tables of the Stark width of the first three lines of Lyman and Balmer series of hydrogen, useful for plasma diagnosis purposes, is presented in this work. These tables have been obtained by means of a fully recognized computer simulation technique. Computer experiments have been carried out for density values between and . Simulation temperatures range from 2245 K to 224 856 K. Ion dynamics effects are taken into account in a natural way and the most significative gas mixtures have been covered in the simulations, carried out at the reduced mass of the emitter - perturber pair , 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0. A detailed discussion of the influence of the relevant plasma parameters on the characteristics of the profiles is also included. The results show an excellent agreement with up-to-date experimental results and confirm these kind of profile calculation techniques as now the most accurate.

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