Baclofen in the Treatment of Detrusor-sphincter Dyssynergia in Spinal Cord Injury Patients

The pharmacodynamics of baclofen on the bladder and urethral sphincters in male acute and chronic spinal cord injury patients were evaluated. A total of 100 supine and sitting urodynamic profiles was done in 25 patients. Baclofen decreased external urethral sphincter resistance by depressing pudendal-to-pudendal nerve reflex through spinal cord presynaptic hyperpolarization. This new centrally acting antispastic drug produced a significant reduction of residual urine in 73% of the cases within an average of 4.98 wk. Baclofen is a new alternative in the medical treatment of postural nonelectrically induced detrusor striated sphincter dyssynergia in spinal cord injury patients. Indications for external sphincterotomy are discussed.