Cull Peas as a Protein Supplement for Swine Feeding

Cull peas compare very favorably with meat meal and soybean oil meal as a protein supplement for growing-fattening pigs fed in dry-lot. At prevailing feed prices, when these experiments were conducted, the pigs fed cull peas made by far the cheapest gains. In these trials, the pigs fed meat meal as protein supplement developed an exudate on the surface of the body which resembled, but was not, mange.In the 1946 trials it was found that this skin condition later cleared up when the pigs were turned out to pasture. None of the pigs fed cull peas developed the abnormal skin condition. The rate of gain was lowered to a small extent when the alfalfa content of the ration was increased from 5 to 15 percent during the growing-fattening period. However, it was shown that pigs fed 15 percent of alfalfa as compared to 5 percent alfalfa during growth stored a factor or factors which later influenced conception, reproduction, and lactation. Copyright © . .