Although it is clear that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone play fundamental roles in pregnancy, the regulation of placental production of these hormones remains to be defined. Recent evidence suggests that the human placenta expresses proteins related to inhibition (.alpha..beta. subunits) or activin (.beta..beta. subunits). Inhibin and activin (follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing protein) possess opposing activities in several biological systems including pituitary folicle-stimulating hormone (follitropin) secretion, erythroid differentiation, and gonadal sex-steroid production. The actions of purified inhibin and activin on hormonogenesis by primary cultures of human placental cells were studied. The addition of activin increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and progesterone production and potentiated the GnRH-induced relevase of hCG. Inhibin by itself did not modify placental immunoreactive GnRH, hCG, and progesterone secretion but reversed the activin-induced changes. Neither inhibin nor activin influenced the release of human placental lactogen. Furthermore, transforming growth factor .beta., structurally related to inhibin/activin, did not significantly influence hormone the hypothesis that inhibin and activin may play a role in regulating the release of GnRH, hCG, and progesterone from placenta and implicate inhibin-related proteins in the endocrine physiology of human pregnancy.